Who We Are

Tehreek Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) is an Islamic Political Movement.

Where It All Began

Right after the execution of Ghazi Mumtaz , on 1st October the religious Scholars of Pakistan united and announced their own political and religious party named “ Tehreek Labbaik Ya Rasool Allah” and its political wing is named as “Tehreek e Labbaik Pakistan” in order to protect the honour and finality of Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon Him.

First Election (NA 120): After the disqualification of Nawaz Sharif , election commission of Pakistan announced by-election in NA 120. Sheikh Azhar Hussain Rizvi was the candidate of TLP in this election and surprised everyone when TLP got 3rd position in this election among many political giants.

Faizabad Dharna

TLP started its protest at Faizabad interchange on 8th November 2017 against the changes in the Election Bill 2017 in which word “oath” changed to “ declaration “. TLP demanded the resignation of Law Minister Zahid Hamid & to restore the Finality of prophethood.

Govt used every kind of force to end this sitting but religious leadership and workers of TLP stood with determination. Consequently, on 27 November 2017 Zahid Hamid stepped down. TLP had paid the price of 8 Martyrs and hundreds of injured for this resignation.

Data Sahab Dharna

April, 2018, TLP announced countrywide protest and sit-ins soon after the supreme court overturned the death sentence of Asia (Blasphemist) awarded by a trial court.

After three days government and TLP signed an agreement in which government assured them that the name of Asia will be put on ECL.

First General Elections

July, 2018, TLP contested the General Election in 2018. Despite the media blackout, hinderances created by caretaker Govt to stop TLP campaign and many candidates were threatened by authorities, TLP showed astonishing results. TLP got 2,234,316 votes on NA seats.

TLP got following votes province vice: Punjab: 1,888,240 votes, Sindh: 414,364 votes, KPK: 78,000 votes, Baluchistan: 11,023 votes. Instead of pre-poll manipulation and rigging TLP became 5th biggest political party of Pakistan and 3rd biggest political party of Punjab.

March against Holland

August, 2018, When the blasphemist of Holland Gert Wilders announced blasphemist Cartoon contest, TLP announced its march from Lahore to Islamabad on 29th August 2018 and demanded from the Govt to call the ambassador of Holland in order to stop this contest and cut the diplomatic relations with Holland. The march was started from Lahore on fixed date.

After watching this aggressive crowd to protect the honour of Rasool Allah s.a.w the blasphemist Gert Wilders postponed that contest so victorious caravan returned from Jhelum.

Punjab Assembly Dharna and Crackdown

October, 2018, TLP announced nationwide protest following the ecquittal of Asia in a blasphemy case.

Ultimately TLP faced brutality of government machinery and nationwide crackdown on TLP workers and leadership. Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi and all its leadership were being arrested and sent to jail. Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi refused to withdraw a call for further protests on Sunday against the Govt who back out from previous agreement. More than 45,000 religious scholars and workers of TLP have been arrested in this crackdown.

Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi release from Jail

May, 2019, Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi faced severe oppression and torture in jail.

Approximately after 6 months he was granted bail by Lahore High Court and TLP workers gave him an overwhelming reception at his Masjid.

2 November Conference

November, 2019, After the bail from jail it was his first grand public appearance to announce TLP manifesto. The conference was conducted at Minar-e-Pakistan where millions of people showed solidarity with the leadership of TLP.

In Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi took oath from all to protect the honour of Rasool Allah (s.a.w) no matter what! This conference infused a new spirit in TLP.

Zindgi Tamasha Movie

January, 2020, A director and a producer of Pakistan film industry Sarmad Khoosat announced his latest movie “Zindgi Tamasha”. The movie targeted the religious figures and presented a negative image of Islam. The people of Pakistan didn’t take it well.

TLP has taken the issue in its hand and decided to march & record its protest. These efforts bore fruit and the release of this film had been banned.

Masjid Wazir Khan Issue

March, 2020, Pakistani actress Saba Qamar and Singer Bilal Saeed shooted a musical video at the historical Masjid Wazir Khan in Lahore. TLP chief Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi raised his powerful voice against this heinous act and while addressing the rally of 23 March he announced to offer coming Jumma prayer at Masjid Wazir Khan. He demanded from administration to take action against the desecration of Masjid.

Faizabad Dharna

November, 2020, TLP started its march from Lahore to Islamabad against the blasphemist act of France at their Govt level. TLP demanded to expel the French ambassador. In On Nov Govt signed an agreement to take this issue in parliament.

Chehlum of Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi

On 19 November 2021, Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi passed away and his son Hafiz Saad Hussain Rizvi has been selected as New Chief of Tehreek Labbaik Pakistan.

The chehlum of Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi was being held on 3rd January 2021 at Jamia Masjid Rehmat ul Alameen and millions of people attended this commemoration ceremony. Hafiz Saad Hussain Rizvi again demanded the Govt to act upon its agreement.

Agreement extended

The deadline of Faizabad agreement was 18th February 2021 but on 11th February government and TLP leadership extended that agreement and the new deadline was set to 20 April 2021.

Allama Saad Hussain Rizvi illegal detention

On 12 April,2021, government arrested Allama Saad Hussain Rizvi from Lahore. TLP announced the nationwide protest on this illegal arrest. TLP’s workers faced barbarism and brutality from government in all over Pakistan. Furthermore Govt banned TLP. Eventually Govt has to sit on dialogue table and On 19 April, 2021 a new agreement was signed by TLP Shura and Ministers in which they announced to release Allama Saad Hussain Rizvi and to fullfill all the demands of their previous agreement.

But once again Govt stepped back & didn’t fullfil any demand and started to play cheap tactics. Govt start using cheap tactics to stop the release of Hafiz Saad Hussain Rizvi. TLP faced severe crackdown once again & yet again TLP leadership didn’t lose courage & announced Namoos e Risalat Million March from Lahore. The demands were the release of TLP chief & expel French ambassador. From Lahore to Wazirabad, Govt used its machinery and forces against TLP at every level. TLP workers faced every bullets, every shell & barriers with courageously. Eventually Govt has to lean down & accepted every demand of TLP. The resolution against French ambassador was presented in NA and On 18 November 2021 & TLP chief Hafiz Saad Hussain Rizvi returned from jail after a victorious and historical struggle. Hafiz Saad Hussain Rizvi made a heroic address at the Urs of Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi. He saluted specially the brave female workers/members of his party, who stood bravely against every hardships and never lose their hope. This was the start of bright and new era of TLP after numerous sacrifices.